Haven't Been Writing Much

3:34 a.m. Non-cat related: Payday. Got groceries. 

I bought a few digital magazine subscriptions. Paid my pet fee. Between all the holds and payday, for the first time in a long time, I don't know how much money I actually have. Yikes.

Also, I got sleep spray for a client who has sleep issues, but is helped by it.

Sometimes we feel a client needs something so much, we just buy it for them ourselves. Technically we're not supposed to give it...(I was told, officially, if you wanted to buy for one, you had to buy for all 23 clients. That's the exception) but I don't think God minds secret giving. 

We secretly give. We slip in gently used clothes. Or new. Hangers. Hair treatments. Spray, in my case. Harmless things. 

I finally got more sleep. :) I'm just a little less anxious at home, but still working through it.

The shorthand of the cat adoption: I spent the whole night the day before yesterday being anxious about leaving her home alone. Even a little sick.

I determined to buy a security camera. Not as regretting as I figured it could be. I have to know how she fares if I'm not home (a security) for her.

However, The kitty has gone from dark corners to embracing the whole room as her own..even sleeping confidently in the center.

I've learned quick not to respond to whining meows, lest I'm never gonna sleep properly if I react every time. According to Jackson Galaxy, she would be (by this) testing 'what she can get away with.' I want to rule her, not have her rule me. Lol.

She'll be okay as long as I know she is: fed, watered, safe, and sheltered. 

She already had a taste of life outside my room and it didn't go too well. For either of us. She's seldom sought for it, again. Thank the Lord. 

Yesterday, I tried to establish routine. Still tweaking it. Sleeping and her eating. Trying to sync both of our routines, because a happy cat needs routine, a schedule, and consistency.

She eats after I come home. Sometimes around 7:15 a.m. to 7:20 a.m. We hang out until 1 p.m. when I try to sleep. I try very hard to sleep (seldom uninterrupted) until 7:30 p.m. (that's when she has to be fed.)

I get ready for work and squeeze in some some playtime, if she's willing, as well as cuddles. She hated the overbearing presence of me wearing shoes and my jingly fanny pack, (with one attached flopping bar wing) unfortunately.

So walking around spooks her easily. 

Litter changed daily. Two boxes. Water changed. 1-2 times a day.

My security camera came in, and I got to see what she gets up to when I'm not there. Thank God.

I left 'Cat TV' on, which turned out to be a really good ideam she has moments of sad moaning only to stop and watch t.v. she pawed at it once. 

I've been watching too much. I have my own separation anxiety that she might knock over a t.v. or the dresser (easily toppled) while I'm gone.

And checking in on her own anxiety. 


She got her confidence up so high, she's scaled places she wasn't going before...(the stainless steel mini fridge) and so she found the bag of treats. (I left it there because previously she wouldn't venture there) and and knocked them down. 

Got them open. Had them stuck behind the fridge and started eating. I clocked out and went home (I live next door) and got the treats away...lest she eat too many and 1.) Get sick. 2.) I'll have to buy more.

I was there and back in around 15 minutes.

I bought her a treat puzzle box to amuse her while I'm away, so hopefully that helps. Her cat tower should be coming in, too. 

Also, flea meds. I had to shell out for them (6 month treatment of a brand her records said she previously used) but it was payday, so that helped. She hasn't scratched too much, but I saw a little one on me while I snuggled with her. 

I'd like not to be bitten by them while she makes her home on my bed.

She has rejected her own bed with her own smell, from the start, that came with her from the shelter. :(

At another point, I caught her acting like a hunter but pouncing and skidding and chasing nothing....looking so confident. So proud of her super quick development. If she had one of her many toy options, I didn't see it on camera.

I've been so absorbed in rehabilitating her (though the improvement was miraculous for so shot a time) that the rest of my life seems to have taken a sidestep, unfortunately including my time with God.

I'm working on adapting to a new life, too. :) I have to be prepared to adjust to having a cat toy at least the next ten years or more, if that's what God wills.

This is only our first week together. Glad to record the adventure.

She sleeps with me and on me now. Tonight she was on my legs a good while until I had to get up. 


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